Yuh sweet like a sugar cane!!

Jub Jub Have you ever been told that you have a sweet tooth? or heard 'Girl, you have Sweet Han'! Well, you are not alone. If you meet any Trinidadian men, you will be amazed of their natural skill set to manipulate words, on the spot, and form a joke or compliment usually to a female. We call it 'droppin' lyrics' . This is my list of the island's confectionery titles and possible labels associated with them.. Jub -Jub : This is a soft gelatin brilliantly coloured candy, (coated in sugar and flavoured with Caribbean goodness) fruit chewy and has a marshmallow consistency. The Caribbean flavours covers Passion Fruit, Lime, Caribbean Cherry, Guava, Coconut, Rum and Soursop. The slang of the Jub-jub - Yuh sweet like a Jub-Jub. Source: Uncommon Caribbean Tamarind Balls Tamarind Balls - Tamarind or Tambran is the a large tree that can reach up to 50ft in height. In Trinidad, it can be very sour that it cannot be consumed natural...