Trini Sponge Cake with Coconut Ice Cream

Trini Sponge Cake using  1-2-3-4 method.

Happy Saturday everyone!!

You simply can't outshine a Trini Sponge Cake with Coconut Ice-cream.  They represent the Tan-Tan and Saga Boy characters in my Carnival, prominent and always together! 

Recalling my childhood weekends, my Mother would announce that today is sponge cake day..Yipee!!!

For the sponge cake, I had the 'important' role to monitor the creaming process.  My reward, was 'licking the spindle and bowl.'  Who would have thought that raw eggs, butter, flour and sugar would taste so good! Not to mention, the anticipation. When baking, the aroma that filled the kitchen, escaped to the rest of the home and filled the nostrils of the neighbours. Every seasoned baker knows when a cake is almost finished and like clockwork, our neighbours would come over to 'share time or lime with us'.  It's a Trini thing.  

Coconut ice cream is equally coveted as a homemade delectable. As a bonus for good behaviour, you were allowed to police the ice cream maker.  We had the electric with the singular requirement for large blocks of ice.  The 'skill' for children was to place the right amount of salt that would delay the ice from melting and keeping the coconut flavoured custard churned.  

Life was blissful with a slice of warm sponge cake and an ice cream bowl of homemade Coconut ice cream.

What are your childhood treasures in the kitchen?



  1. Oh gosh! Just like aunty used to make. You take me back real years with this one!

  2. Oooohhh gosh...coconut ice cream in d maker. Yuh take meh bac! We had to take turns on d handle; no electric maker for us. And sponge cake....nobody could make like mammy 😋. This is real Trini tradition!

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